Al'tot i'm still kinda moody but tink i still gotta start somewhere on the blogging... So here it goes......
Went Genting over the wkend with DaR & my NUS gang... juz a 2D/1N short trip... al'tot tis wasn't my 1st time to Genting but i was still v.excited... it was kinda last min when we made tis decision so only a few of us were able to make it... Mel couldn't make it & we have 3 couples on tis trip so Eric was feeling awkward abt it... offered him to stay in DaR & my room, but he refused... Fine lor! but was glad that he managed to drag his friend, Joan along the v.last min if not i knew he were sure backout...
Set off at 10.30pm sharp on Friday... i was still worrying tt i won't be able to go to sleep on the journey after the bad experience during my previous 10hrs Penang trip (@_@)... but it didn't turn out tt bad cos probably i was real tired after a long day at wrk, so i dozed off in no time after we set off from our 1st rest point... & the next min when i woke up, we are up on Genting Highlands... We don't even have to stop midway to take the cable car...
it was ard 5am in the morning... Freezing cold when i alighted the bus... I was pretty shocked to see the queue @ the lobby for just a normal wkend... We were only allowed to check-in in the afternoon... So we left our laggages at the Concierge & went for breakfast... shared a big breakfast meal with DaR cos i don't want any of the scrambled eggs coming out from my mouth after a few rides @ the theme park wor... keke =P
Theme Park opens only at 8am & it was still early after breakfast... so we walked ard to take fotos...

DaR has always being quite gd @ foto-taking...
As he always claimed, "my dad was a photographer
& i managed to inherit some of his skills u knw..." (-_-")

Nice view up @ Genting yah...

DaR took tis for me...

I oso quite gd with my photography rite... Nice?!

mE & DaR with nice background...

One of my fav pic on tis trip...
We bought tickets for all the rides at RM34... but later realised that most of the rides were closed... The Space Shot ride tt DaR was most looking forward to was oso down for maintenance as well... guess he was pretty disappointed...
We still tried out all other rides that were available... Like Super Toboggan, Flying Coaster, Spinner, Bumper Boat, etc...


Bumper Boat
I was pretty impressed by myself for having the courage to try out all the rides... some even Eric & Wei-ge didn't dare to neh... DaR oso tink i'm v.steady okieee... he normally always say i "gu niang" de... keke =P
We finished all rides at 11am & proceed back to the hotel waiting to check-in... tis is the part tt pissed me off BIG TIME... We had to queue for 3 HRS for the check-in when we were like the 1st few in queue... the queue behind was even longer than our 4D/Toto counters in Singapore during the annual CNY million dollars draw... & their management was damn jialat oso lor... Its obvious tt some of the ppl are cutting queue from the sides & they actually still serve them as per normal... dunno they blind or wat...
& the best part was yet to come... after the 3 freaking hrs of queueing, we tot we could finally go back to the room to take a shower & nap before our evening activities... but to our horror, the room wasn't even packed yet when we entered... @#$%^&*@#$% wat the *toot* maan!!! the rooms aren't ready & they actually allowed ppl to check-in... i almost vomit blood on the spot... i called & screwed the housekeeping dept upside down... 10mins later the poor housekeeper came... & he was all alone... & there were like more than 20rooms on our level that weren't packed... We kinda pity him cos he was panting & can see that he was really trying hard to do everythg nicely for us... so gave him some tips when our rooms are done... Hiaks...
Well i tell u, tis will be my 1st & last time staying in 1st World Hotel... I'll rather spend a few more bucks than to waste my time on queueing & having to stand by the door watching them housekeep the no scenery, small, pathetic room... NEVER!!!

Tis is the lobby of 1st world hotel...
machiam look like scenes in the movies where all the ppl running for their lives
& taking this place as a hideout...
Where got any hotel lobby got so many ppl sitting on the floor de...

Group foto-taking at Kenny Roger during dinner...
another pic i like alot...
After dinner, we went KTV till 2am... then DaR & me stayed @ the casino till 4plus... erh...... conclusion is we lost $$$ lah... tt's all... nothing much to blog abt... Lolx!

Still consider a fulfilling trip lah...
Back home on board Konsotium Bus... Yeah!!!