* Tuesday, August 30, 2005 *
~We LovE MuM!!!~
celebrated Mum's Birthday over the wkend... settled for Kia Hiang Gourmet at Sun Plaza cos Mum have a preference for Chinese food... they have tis promtion where for a table of 6, we could order 8 dishes out of the 24 listed... we ordered oats prawns, blackpepper beef, both steam & fried fish, claypot chicken, 2 vegetables & my fav hotplate beancurd... at 1st i tot the potion will be quite small cos we had 8 dishes... but all 8 came in those huge potion we had at those "zi cha" stores... & all the food were pretty good & the price were definately affordable & worth it... 6 of us, 8 dishes & only $112...
fotos taken before the food was served...

we bought Mum M1 vouchers so she could upgrade to a new handset... she was still using N8250 & there was a bad segment on her LCD... after much consideration between N3230 & N6230i, which has similar specs & pricing, she finally settled for N6230i... with 1.3mega pixels camera lehhh... same as mine... DaR & Bro v.impressed & oso v.jealous wor... their older version N6230 camera not even close to pixels quality wor... & cannot zoom when taking fotos wor... oso cannot double zoom when viewing the fotos taken wor... muahahahaa =P
We went home after tt for a friendly Mahjong session... play small small only... told DaR if i win, i take... if i lose, we half half... keke =P after one full round, sitting there for more than 2hrs, me had a draw game... probably Bro has been studying (Dui Shu) real hard for his A'Levels, he lost 10bucks at the game... Lolx! Well, it was real nice to have everyone at home & spend time together...
5:16 AM
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* Thursday, August 25, 2005 *
~TTSH = To Throw Straight Home?!~
i'm dead beat... long day at wrk & attended class till 9plus... been quite sometime since i last blog... so much thgs going on yet i've no time to write it down... so i tot i shld try & get it done now no matter wat...
now i'm watching the recorded Superstar Grand Final preview shown earlier... part of the following entry was supposed to be posted last Fri... but hoh, was so busy that i only posted it now... (-_-")
Madness of the superstar continues...... was watching the results & online then... Sis & Bro was relieved after Kelly was announced as the Female's Final Superstar... they were so glad that their effort has been paid off & Xinhui has finally got her so-called Retribution... (-_-") again... keke... then was the guys turn... & every1 was seeing Junyang as the "obvious" winner... really v.gan jiong... when the co-hosts go like, "you ni jiu you ta" & the fotos starts to go in random... there was a silence everywhere... then it slows down little by little... once we saw Junyang's fotos hit the jackpot, Sis & Bro started to scream, Esther "YEAH"ing on msn... & within that split sec when i divert my sight to the labtop to reply Est, the fotos was switched to Weilian... we were all stunned for awhile... then till my Sis started the ^#%~*^&)!>?.#^~ then i realised it's Weilian who was crowned as the Male's Final Superstar... immediately my msn went choas... every1 starts changing their msn nick & complaining abt the unbelievable outcome... msn nick like; "voters are blind", "this is project superstar not NKF, y so many sympathy votes", "wat's left to see on 1st Sept Finals", etc... al'tot as my previous entry has stated i'm ok & respect Weilian for coming so far... but i still can't help tinkg it's such a pity for Junyang as he's such a talent... he has got all it takes to become the next Superstar... actually i was expecting him to be the final sole winner... Shocked but Irreversible fact that JUNYANG is voted out!!! hiaks...
It was the hottest topic on Friday... even on headlines of the newspaper over the wkends... ridiculous ppl have been complaining & requesting Mediacorp to review the actual # of calls, etc... well, i felt that's all so unnecessary... y can't they be more rational... nothing's gonna change no matter wat they do lah...
ok part II......
Went TTSH visit my Granny over the wkends... granny's stomach was v.obviously bloated even when she was only on drip... Agreed with Uncle totally that she looks as if she's like 3mths pregnant or somethg... Granny was feeling so bloated that she has no appetite & even couldn't sleep well at nite, which caused high blood pressure... her bloatedness was still not gone the nx day we visited her... the doc tried giving her the peppermint-like gastric mixture that we always get when we caught a stomach flu... the mixture was suppose to help her let out the "gas" thro' burpping & POOOOooooooot... but it didn't seem to wrk loh... Granny was still feeling bloated till today...
here's the irritating part... heard from Uncle on my way back home... the doc in-charge wanted my Granny to be discharge AGAIN!!! & the best part is he didn't even asked if those at her bed were the family members & started his bullshitting with those ppl that happen to be there visiting Granny... he totally has no clue abt wat he's doing & toking... he's gonna get my Granny to be discharge & even say thgs like HER LIVER NO CURE ALREADY IN FRONT OF MY GRANNY!!! WAH LIEW...... WAT THE F**K!!! #$%^&*~>?":*^%+ pardon me... 1st time the F**K word appear in my blog... but i'm damn furious loh... al'tot granny only communicates in Hainanese, but from Teochew, Cantonese, Hokkien, to even Chinese & English, she can understand, if not, can guess & puzzle up what u toking loh... u knw old ppl lah, they'll get v.worried & affected by their own illness... especially when it's tt bad till "NO CURE" loh... like tt where still got fighting spirit... it's all those psycho thg mah... & thanks to that doc, tink now the more my Granny can't get to sleep liao... so irresponsible & inexperience riteee... #$%^&*~":>?<}+$^%
Mummy, Uncles & Aunt are now discussing whether to transfer Granny to SGH... they'll settled for an answer after they go blast that doc tomorrow...
gonna stop here & continue again 2mr... provided i've got the time... really tired ald... needa catch some sleep... if not, 2mr sure K.O in LT... ('(o0)')
12:58 AM
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* Thursday, August 18, 2005 *
~SuPeRsTaR MaDnEsS~
having lesson yesterday but have Sis recorded the Superstar Male Finals for me... well, honestly speaking, i'm ok with anyone of them to be crown as the Male Champion... al'tot my preference will be Junyang, but Weilian deserve some respect to have come tis far... both have their own groups of supporters... heard Sis's colleague sent 3votes for Weilian last nite, & i recieve the following mail from NUS Students' Union...
Show your support for fellow NUS undergraduate Ang Junyang, a finalist for Channel U's Project Superstar.
Junyang is an honours year Economics Major from the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Tune in to listen to him perform on Channel U at 8.30pm tonight to vote for him. You can send your support by calling 1900-112-1001 or sms M1 to 78277.
The students' union wishes Junyang all the best for the contest.
steady riteeee... Lolx!
Well, al'tot i'm part of NUS aka supporter of Junyang, but i didn't even cast any vote, not even one... Oops... hehe... 60cents per vote lehhh... even if i did, i'll probably juz sent ONE pathetic sms... & i believe my ONE pathetic sms is not gonna change or make any difference lah... guess now ppl will rather vote for the Superstars than donating to the charity after the NKF incident... so i tink i can sit back & juz really be an audience laaah...
But my Sis & Bro not as rational as me wor... they ald planned to vote for Kelly tonite... they have tis Indescribable "hatred" against Xinhui... & they vowed to get revenge back as the previous time when Kelly was voted out, her last competitor was Xinhui on stage... Now that Kelly is back, they want her to have her Retribution... abit siao huh... tink they watch too much tv drama liao... Lolx! as of now, i knw Sis & Bro gonna fork out $10.20 each to vote for Kelly... that's equal to 17calls each... so 34calls are contributed by them... & i'm not really sure if tt's gonna help... cos Sis juz told me her colleagues went to watch the Live Recording on Monday & Xinhui got a higher average score from the judges... LOLx! so if Xinhui wins, there goes their effort... & of cos their $$$... kekeke =P i r'ber then, my madness Brother-in-law oso voted during the Singapore Idol... he voted for Sylvester... it's not cos he likes him or anythg... he juz didn't want Tufik to win... (-_-") hahahaha... a family of madness...
4:01 PM
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* Wednesday, August 17, 2005 *
~wHat A DaY...~
was woke up by the fone ringing tis morning... heard Mum toking like, "oh, so u sending her to TTSH eh?! okay, i'll be rite there..." & hang up... Mum came into my room to wake me up for wrk... then i asked, who called, wat TTSH?! Mum replied, "ur granny vomitted blood again tis morning..."
poor granny... she seems pretty well last wk when we visited her at TTSH & was discharged on Sun... & now only 3days later, she threw out blood again at her home... wat i know roughly was granny's liver was hardening & tt causes dunno which part to clog, therefore causes her previous wound in her stomach to burst... tt's why she was vomitting blood again... On Sun, Uncles & Aunt was requesting the consultant to let granny stayed in for a few more days to make sure she was really feeling ok before letting her go home... but the consultant insist on letting granny to get discharge... granny was warded for 1 full wk without food intake for 6days... Mum were afraid when she gets home & start taking solid food, she'll feel unwell again... & true enough, granny was brought to the hospital again tis morning...
having class tonite & 2mr... so will only be able to pay granny a visit on Fri... hope she's feeling better neh...
was in a meeting with an engineer once i reached office tis morning... i hate ppl who juz simply want thgs to be done her way juz to make thgs easier for herself... heard abt her bossiness from other colleagues & tis time my time to kana... i've been in tis company for like the past 4yrs when she don't even exisit last yr at tis time... & now she's trying to push more thgs to me juz to lighten her own job... $%^&*\~)>:"# juz becoz the operators in the fab start calling her over the wkends to ask for help in her area of wrk & she can't solve the prob, doesn't mean i shld do the extra wrk for her so she can show others her worth riteee? juz becoz the production supervisor is an excuses finder, finger-pointing & totally clueless abt what he was doing, doesn't mean tt she, as an engineer got to listen to him tokg crap & arrow the job back to me riteee?! & juz becos i'm half-sponsered by the company for my bachelor doesn't mean i don't have any human rights & say abt doing extra wrk riteeee... Damn the Poor Organisation!!!
4:43 PM
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* Friday, August 12, 2005 *
~fRiDaY At LonG LaSt~
Thank Goodness it's finally Friday... haven't had enough rest since National Day... my dark eye ring is damn obvious sia... ppl normally say "yi bai zhe san chou", which simply juz means being fair hides the ugly spots... but i doubt so wor... being fair makes my dark eye ring super obvious when i havent had enough beauty sleep... being fair makes my pimple super obvious when i have a breakout... being fair oso give DaR chance to say i'm "gu niang" & not sporty when i juz want to "nuah" at home... so who says being fair is gd wor?!
I'm especially tired today... probably due to excessive drainage of brain cells during LT last nite when i was trying to digest what the Lecturer wat trying to get thro'... tt ends the 2nd wk of sch... lucky no class 2nite or tink i'll surely K.O in LT... i'm still coping well & in fact i'm starting to appreciate or could even say i'm loving to go sch alot more than the previous semesters... i'm not really sure exactly why... but i'm able to concentrate alot more & having tis drive to really stay focus in class which i don't for the past 2yrs... Lolx!
Gonna visit granny @ TTSH later after wrk... Poor granny was hospitalised... she vomited blood at home on Monday... tis is the 2nd time it's happening... the previous time she was oso warded for days... i was real worried when i saw the pic my uncle MMS me on the pool of blood granny vomited on the floor at her home (not a gd idea to post here rite)... it was real bad sia... i dont exactly knw what happen yet... cos she only got her scan done yesterday... will go & find out more abt it later... hope she gets well soon...

Fotos taken at the NDP @ Padang

As expected, the weather was damn hot, we were sweating like ice melting under the hot sun... The tickets i have are for the blue section, which was supposingly the section tt has the BEST view for the parade wor... We oso get to choose whether to alight at Raffles or City Hall MRT to Padang unlike the green section instructed to alight at City Hall & Yellow Section at Raffles... we alight at Raffles, which we were glad tt we made the right choice... the journey from Raffles MRT to the Padang was so much nearer compared to Kallang MRT to the Outdoor Stadium... we were lucky & got ourselves seated right at the center of the blue section where we can view the stage & every other thg at one glance... i was so excited & exploring everythg in my goodie bag till Sharon Aw, Kym Ng, etc appeared to get us warm up for the parade... it was then i realised tis Auntie sitting 2rows in front of us with HER UGLY FLOWERY UMBRELLA... & THAT UGLY FLOWERY UMBRELLA OF HERS was blocking my full view of the stage loh... #$%^&*#&*^#% i was real fed up maaan... but i didn't do anythg abt it... cos i tot she'll juz keep THAT UGLY FLOWERY UMBRELLA OF HERS when the Parade get started... but NO looooooh... she held on to THAT UGLY FLOWERY UMBRELLA OF HERS as high as ever & has totally NO clue THAT UGLY FLOWERY UMBRELLA OF HERS was actually blocking other ppl's view... damn inconsiderate loh... She held on tight to THAT STOOOOPID UMBRELLA OF HERS till the sun almost set & till the Uncle sitting juz behind her finally told her off that she was blocking others' view with THAT UGLY FLOWERY UMBRELLA OF HERS... she has got no choice but to keep THAT UGLY FLOWERY UMBRELLA OF HERS... FINALLY... clear view ahead... Then Blah Blah Blah on the NDP, same as u seen on TV lah...
Ok... The Finale & oso the part that i was most looking forward to... THE FIREWORKS!!! Below is my view of the fireworks......

Yes... tis is MY VIEW of my MOST LOOKING FORWARD FIREWORKS!!! No doubt Blue Section is the BEST view for the parade... BUT NOT FOR THE FIREWORKS LOH... cos we are seated juz below the fireworks that are lighted... & we were asked to open the transparent umbrella given to us beside our seats to avoid being hit by any of the fallen fireworks... #$%^"&;*&>*^%# Hmm... Al'tot it was still fun having to go to the Parade with DaR, but we both felt alittle disappointed on the Fireworks part lah...
So, that marks the end of my encounter with the UMBRELLAS loh... XiE XiE (-_-")
5:19 PM
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* Monday, August 08, 2005 *
~nO MoNDaY bLuE bLuE WoRRRR~
it's Monday so wat... i've got class 2nite till 9pm so wat... it's not gonna affect me even alittle bcos tomorrow is National Day!!! Yeah!!! Not juz bcos it's a public holiday & not juz bcos i don't have to wrk... The biggest excitement is bcos i've finally gotten the TICKETS to the NDP Parade @ Padang!!! Haahaahaahaaahaaaaaa =P no more no less, 2 tickets juz perfect!!! DaR & me went last yr too... it was the last yr held at the Outdoor Stadium before the refurbish... & tis is gonna be the 1st yr since dunno when it's held back at Padang... so it's gonna have a different feel sia... isn't it coooool?! me & DaR are damn excited loh... we are going to the Parade to squeeze, sweat, roar, etc with the crowd celebrating Singapore's 40th Birthday!!! Mum, Sis & Bro tink i'm crazy... But it's lotsa fun neh... they juz dunno how to appreciate it lah... the atmosphere in there is soooo different loh... I've always been proud to be a Singaporean! But hoh, the one thg i'm paiseh i don't quite r'ber how to sing our National Anthem... Ooops... cos Poly there's no such thgs as morning assembly ald mah... & its been yrs i graduated from my sec sch... Ooopss... SH*T! the thought of it suddenly makes me feel OLD...
Remember then during my sec sch i oso took part in the National Day Parade lehhh... we started training back in Feb on every Saturday... after performing our item, we gotta stand still under the scouching sun forming the Merlion formation while the rest of the parade marched in... it was damn "siong" having to stand there for hrs, it was damn "jialat" when u see ppl faint flat on their face cos they can't "tahan" the hot sun, but it was damn fun loh... got free KFC/McDonald's lunch/dinner, can chat & play during the breaks with friends, can see if got cute guys from other sch... OOOOooo... so fun riteee... not forgeting the fabulous firewrks we get to see during Rehearsal/Preview & on the Actual Day... DaR oso took part in National Day Parade before lehhh... he was the Colours Party back in his army days okieee... for continuous 2yrs somemore okieee... i saw his fotos & he's not bluffing okieee... he looks v.smart okieee... BUT...... those were the days laaaahhh... Lolx!!!
DaR asked how come i nber mention abt his encounter with his dream babe in my previous entries... nowadays eh, the guys are getting more & more out of hand... openly toking & drooling over some other babes... somemore expect the gf to blog abt it... wat has the world become sia... Anyway, here it goes......
DaR says SHE's an American... SHE's damn branded & famous loh... SHE's the one DBS uses to promote their Black Card... DaR met HER at the hotel carpark... he was so attracted to HER tt he cannot control but to take out his hp & start snapping fotos of HER... then he has been surfing the net for HER information & downloading pics as wallpapers & even creating a screen saver himself of HER the past few days... & not forgetting to mention tt DaR juz bought a new Dell Dimension PC with 19" Flat Panel monitor, which arrived only on Friday evening... so the more he couldn't keep his hands & eyes off his 2 New Love... Hmph!!!
Meet DaR's New Love #1...

fotos taken by his N6230...
pretty well taken for a hp camera riteee... hehe =P

A combination of some available cool wallpapers on
Lamborghini Gallardo...
tink yellow colour nicer hoh...
I didn't take any fotos of his New Love #2... Maybe i shld do it tomorrow... then u guys will see why i've been throw into the Cold Chamber over the wkends... #$%^%#^*%&*^
1:29 PM
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* Wednesday, August 03, 2005 *
~aLL aBt CaRs~
Yesterday we finally met HER for the 1st time... Japanese?! it was then i realised y most guys simply cannot control themselves when they see HER... it was LOVE AT 1st SIGHT... then they couldn't get HER of their mind & wants to have HER... Brother-in-law was one of them... He signed the papers on their 1st meeting... It was still considered having a legal relationship despite he ald married my Sis... Now he has to bear the full responsibility to take care of HER... Beside paying for HER monthly expenses, he even have to pay for all HER insurance, living expenses, etc... Yes, tt's the price to pay for owning HER...
Ladies & Gentlemen... Meet Jazz...

Honda Jazz... HAHAHA =P

Full Body Kit done...
Yoz, Brother-in-laaaaaaaw... when's my 1st refresh course yah... LOLx!
5:29 PM
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* Monday, August 01, 2005 *
~BaCk tO sChOoL aGaiN!!!~
sch starts today... ARHHhhhh...... my one month sch holidays over liao... ARHHhhhh...... i cannot believe it... ARHHhhhh...... i gonna miss the times when i can juz go out, meet friends, meet DaR & go home catch Superstars on tv after wrk... ARHHhhhh...... now cannot watch ald lah... ARHHhhhh...... i've got class on both Wed & Thurs... ARHHhhhh...... SH*T maaan...
hopefully i'll still be able to make it on time for the results on Thurs nite... My nx bet for the ones to be elimated for the guys would be Jason... reason = he can't sing & he's not my cup of tea... & for the gers would be Shi XinHui... reason = No X-factor & cos i like the others more than her... Lolx! But read from the i-weekly tt she has got the most call votes among the gers wor... Anyway, will juz keep my fingers crossed loh... I knw alot ppl who support Kelly... From my Sis, my Bro, Boss Ray, Engineer, Kexin, etc... her performance has always been the most outstanding & the others are nowhere close to her standard loh... but i still tink she's quite shaky even after winning the wild card round... cos ppl are not voting for her cos they tink she's gd & definately will be safe from the elimination... Well, we'll see then...
tonite's lesson is on Microelectronic Materials... taking tis modules cos it's wrk related... oso my Boss said i could use the company's lab to wrk on my final yr project in yr4 so i don't have to "fight" for the machine time with others in sch... speaking from his experience when he did his MSc in NUS then wor... keke =P Yeah! tt's gonna save me alot alot trouble sia... there are only 10 pathetic souls including myself taking up today's elective module... most of the ppl prefer taking up Communications as a major compared to Microelectronics in my batch... well, guess tt's ok lah... like tt nx time go out look for job got less ppl to compete with... keke =P
Hiaks... Thought gonna have free ride home after sch tonite... but Sis juz msn me say their car cannot collect today ald... so disappointing sia... miss the chance of being the 1st to sit on the back seats wor... Lolx! last nite they even tried to "SaiKo" me skip my 1st lesson to go collect with them... but sorry loh, i not so "Siao" ON de... *bleah* but wondering if they are willing to let me use their car to refresh my driving skills someday... keke =P i top up a full tank of petrol for u loooohhh... steady?! BROTHER-IN-LAAAAAWWWW *wink*
3:08 PM
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