* Friday, December 30, 2005 *
~HAPPY NEW YEAR 2006!!!~
YEAH!!! it's fRiDaY!!! hohohoh =P long wkend again... kakaka... today is the last day of wrk of the year... this marks another no-big-achievements year of my career... crossed my fingers for a better year ahead... thgs might start to change when i start wrkg on my final year project in my company's fab... hopefully i can achieve somethg out of it bah...

Every female colleagues recieve a Red Rose from the Director today...
RED BIG ONE!!! keke =P dunno why Red Roses makes me feel abit auntie wor... LOLx!
In my 4yrs plus in tis company since i graduated from Poly, we only had one D&D... the organiser tried to make it a special one so rented this small cruise boat... then who knw it was a rainy nite & the boat is like swaying so vigorously out in the sea... & ppl actually get sea sick loh... i was one of them loh... lucky after the dinner we had games & dances... when u start moving ard, the sea-sickness goes away... so i was down on the dance floor throughout the nite...
After which, for the years to come, no more D&D le... we only get free catering lunch in the company on either X'mas or New Year Day... so today, on the last wrkg day of the year, we had free lunch...
The food so so only lah... didn't eat much anyway...Got only 10 lucky draw prizes...me not the lucky ones wor...i dunno wat's the 1st prize but the 2nd prize is only a Phillip Coffee Maker...me & my colleagues were still expecting one of the prize to be return tickets to Bangkok...really is wait long long oso don't have eh... hehe =P
Oh Well, tt's all lah... this shld be the last entry for the year 2005... So hereby wish everyone HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
4:26 PM
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* Thursday, December 29, 2005 *
~2 MoRe DaYs tO eNd tHe yEaR 2005!!!~
OOOOoooo... 2 more days to go le... not really feeling excited YET... tink i'm getting old... i r'ber last yr i was v.excited abt New Year Countdown & partying with DaR & having Xin to join us... But tis year, beside not feeling excited YET, i'm actually trying to tok DaR into "nuah"ing at home AGAIN & avoid the crowds on New Year Countdown... keke =P imagine to see lotza ppl roaming ard the streets everywhere to get a cab... & u can be put on hold for like an hr for them to find a cab for u even if u are willing to pay extras for the booking fees on top of the midnite charges...
R'ber last yr DaR was ald dead drunk after the countdown & we weren't able to get a cab home to Tampines... i don't understand why no cabs are willing to go Tampines from town... We made 3 calls at the same time... & Woodlands got a cab, Bishan got a cab, but Tampines had no1... So we beg the Uncle who's supposed to send Sean Lee to Bishan give us a lift too... Lucky for us, the Uncle says ok... if not, tink we gotta wait till the sun comes out liao...
The thought of not able to get a cab freaks me out BIG TIME... so i really hope we can like avoid the crowds & had an earlier meeting with Sean, Nick & guys like a day earlier instead... DaR will do the coordinating neh... See how the response loh...
as i say b4, he aka my DaR, being the New Age INsensitive Guy don't believe in giving surprises, won't secretly buy somethg & surprises u but rather be more practical... He told me straight tt he's gonna get me e Citizen Watch i blogged on for birthday... *blogging works neh* keke... i haven't really see the actual watch yet... so i went to try it on before asking DaR to buy for me... BUT hoh, the watch turns out a little BIG on my wrist... = (

See... the face of the watch is as BIG as the width of my wrist...

a closer take... it's nice though... but dunno if it looks too big on me...
DaR says if i like still can buy...
the watch not cheap loh... so better consider 1st...
later buy liao don't wear v.wasted de leh...
It's exactly one mth from Chinese New Year le... & Mum has been frequently nagging me to shop for my New Year clothing... cos v.soon i'm going back to my no life aka wrk-sch-home-wrk-sch-home days... btw, did i mentioned tt i did much better tis sem for my exams... cleared with 2B+ & 1B-... tink tt's my limit liao... for a not-so-clever me, Granny, Mum, etc praised me for my effort... keke =P But from the rate i'm going, i'll only get a 3rd class honors loh... Hiaks...
In NUS, we have a CAP system...
A+=5; A=5; A-=4.5, B+=4; B=3.5; B-=3; C+=2.5; C=2; D+=1.5; D=1; F=0
Class of Honours
1st Class: 4.5 and above, plus at least an 'A minus' in the Final Year Project
2nd Class Upper: 4.0 to 4.49
2nd Class Lower: 3.5 to 3.99
3rd Class: 3.2 to 3.49
Pass: 2.0 to 3.19
Fail: Below 2.0
So to at least get a 3rd class u need to be constant with ur grades & score B- & above... even a straight B- throughout the 4yrs won't qualified for 3rd class... there's no moderation of CAP... 3.19 means 3.19 & u juz get a pass... they won't pity u & round up to 3.2 give u a 3rd class de... NUS is v.strict with this... my Sis graduated from NUS say de loh... Hiaks...
So for a not-so-clever me, who only got an A- for the past 2yrs & have accumulated Bs, Cs & worst Ds, got 3rd class should be happy le... but DaR tink likewise loh... he tink getting a 3rd class is as good as a normal degree pass... *sob sob*
Anyway, hopefully diff ppl have diff views to this bah... But for a not-so-clever me, coming tis far is ald not easy liao... let alone reaching for the stars......
12:33 PM
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* Tuesday, December 27, 2005 *
~X'MaS PoTLuCk~
i guess this is the 1st X'mas DaR didn't go countdown since eon yrs... haha =P cos i felt kinda lazy to go squeezed with the crowds & having to spend extras for the entrance cover charge & cab midnite charge... So i asked DaR if we can juz "nuah" @ home on the eve of X'mas... keke =P & surprisingly DaR agreed... hohoho... Merry X'massss!!!
Pathetic DaR even had to wrk on X'mas eve... lucky is only halfday... unlike Valentine's Day, HE WORK WHOLE DAY TILL 3AM... so i nber get to celebrate V'day with him... sob sob... But NVM lah... anyway, DaR is the New Age INsensitive Guy... he don't like to celebrate such events like birthday, V'day, X'mas, etc... He countdown X'mas & New Year juz to give himself excuses to club & drink till puke...
so i shall rescue him from the madness this yr... we had "yu tou lu" & "ji cha" at one of the coffeeshop with DaR's Mum for dinner then shop ard pasamalam & went home... we did nothing BUT watched "Lao Fu Zi", the latenite movies on Ch8 featuring "Xie Ting Feng & Zhang Bo Zhi"... the show ended at 12plus... we continued watching the 2nd show by "Zhou Ren Fa & Anita Mui" named "Gong Zi Duo Qin"... tink the show is like more than 10yrs ago de... but i still enjoyed it alot... haha... wat a X'mas to spend in front of TV sia... Al'tot it may sound bored, but i tink it's still quite cool to have 2 ppl staring in front of the TV for hrs continuously on the perfect peaceful nite... kaka... after the 2nd show was nearly 3am... we continued to watch Josh Groban's DVD - Live at the Greek, my X'mas gift from DaR... since my birthday is round the corner, so we agreed not to spend too much on X'mas gift... The Josh Groban's Concert is really "solid" loh... All of u shld watch it... HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!! Any1 interested can borrow from me okie... At ard 5am, we finally decided to get some sleep...
On the actual X'mas Day...
The long-waited Potluck session, which was planned a month beforehand is finally here...
& every1 obediently came in RED... haha =P... Machiam like Chinese New Year... Sooo fun loh...

see all the food...
Sakae Sushi from Jiali, Bee Hoon from Lixia, Curry Veg from Eric, Mix Veg & Sotong Ball from Shijing, Nuggets from Liting, Honey Glazed Ham from DaR...
Otah from Alan, Fruits from Chris, Chicken Wing from Mel & Fruit Jelly from me are not featured...

Celebrating the Capricorns' Birthday...
so including me loh...
We had Log + Birthday Cake from Joos...
The Log cake is sooo Nice... got X'mas tree, Santa & Snow man...
taste good too...

hehe =P its like 2wks in advance, me ald got my 1st Birthday Present...
Espirit Jacket for Shijing (23rd Dec), Ralph Lauren Romance perfume for me (8th Jan)
& Solvil et Titus Watch for Liting (4th Jan)...

of cos we have gift-exchange too... it's X'mas lehhh...& me happen to get tt X'mas bear up there...

So glad tt the whole gang turn up... no1 put aeroplane...will definately continue to have one every X'mas... YEAH!!!
5:26 PM
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* Saturday, December 24, 2005 *
~fRoM mE tO DaR...~

Somethg i did as part of my X'mas present for DaR...

So well sited on his new workdesk eh...
nice riteeee...
12:48 PM
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* Friday, December 23, 2005 *
~OOooo... mAnY mAnY pReSeNtS NeH?!~
met the gers a wk back b4 X'mas for our annual X'mas gift-exchange... we've got no idea who's buying for who & wat we'll be getting, & tt's the real fun of it... will it be somethg from our wishlist or izzit gonna be a surprise... we had a budgetted early dinner at Wisma newly revamped foodcourt then it's KTV again we go... haha... i don't knw y but everytime we meet, it's KTV we go... gotta find a place where we can sit for hrs, do watever we want, oso somethg tt could juz keep us entertained... & obvious we couldn't tink of any other places, SOOOOoooo it's KTV we go laaahhh... LoLx!
we were all damn excited loh... during dinner earlier, we each wrote down our guesses of who's gonna give & recieve the gift among us... i was v.confidence with my set of names from my observation at 1st... but none of us actually got the full set correct... haha...

our gifts to the one who've choosen beforehand...
& surprisingly, I'm actually recieving my gift from Xin, who i've least expected... Lolx! cos i'm oso buying for her tis yr... & it means tt the other two "cha boh"s are exchanging among themselves... & they super excited loh... cos they one of a kind mah... the thgs they want & their tastes are damn similiar... but total oppo of me & Xin... & tt sometimes make us cannot tahan them...
Xin was oso surprised tt i was the one getting her the gift... keke =P cos i gd actress mah... i was trying so hard to dig out from her the shop of the name tt was mentioned on her blog for the bag she wants on her wishlist... lucky i managed to make her spilled out in time so i can go grab it for her b4 our gift-exchange... See, tis is the bag she requested for on her wishlist...

pretty unique eh... since the budget was $50 each, i've somemore money to spare on another gift... so i added on another ipod transfer software tt she needs for her ipod Nano... so she got exactly wat she wanted on her list... it wasn't difficult at all, COS she only mentioned tis 2 items on her blog... hahahaha
Nothing makes Xin suspicious to me was cos she nber once try to hint or ask abt wat i want, despite me not coming out with my wishlist even after the deadline of submission tt we promised each other of... Whereas the action-packed Esther Cai keep sending sms & even wanting to meet me go Shopping makes me suspect her alot... *Good Job loh u, cunning fellow* Lolx! My gift from Xin must say is the highlight of the gift-exchange... Al'tot it's not somethg tt i've mentioned in my Wishlist, or somethg tt i need or use frequently, but it's definitely somethg tt surprises me & i happen to like it alot even though it might not come to use in the near future... haha =P
drum roll* Lingeries...

A sexy nite dress, elephant tongs, girrafe tongs & 2 lacy lowcut underwear... keke =P
I tell u, no1, no1 can ever relate me to the word "SEXY"... & i'll laugh myself silly if i ever put it on... & tink even DaR will laugh till his stomach upset oso if he ever see me in it... hohoho =P But i really like the flora patterns on it... kakaka...
Besides the actual gift-exchange for the one we supposed to buy for, we normally buy a little somethg more for the rest...

foto frames with individual fotos from me, Shawl from Esther, Pooh magnets from Elaine & Heartshape handfone accessories from Xin...
Of cos we had lotza fun at the KTV... we always do...

Top pic of the day...

We trying to feature her as a "superstar" trying to avoid being spoted & interviewed... Lolx!!!
Good sport there... hahaha =P
I really had sooo much fun tt day... its a day tt's worth waiting for every yr besides my birthday... LOLx!!! My birthday soon... OOOOooooo... more presents to comeeee...
10:55 PM
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* Thursday, December 15, 2005 *
~i Am WhO i Am... & i'M pRoUd Of iT... LoLx!!!~
Been busy for the company's auditing these days... we have auditing every 6 mths... actually its not a bad thg lah... tis is the time for lazy ppl like me to do my housekeeping & last min documentation in case the auditors wanna check... i hate hAtE HATE doing documentation... tt's one reason where i choose to stay in Engineering... cos i'm one person who's famous for my messiness... but seems like i still can't escape from it wor...
Now still not as bad as when i was in my poly days... then i took like 6 modules per semester... then everyday after sch i'll juz stack all my textbks, notes, project wrks, etc onto my desk... in no time after i've last packed, it'll turn into a pig sty again... so sometime i really can't be too bothered abt it... & i'm ald so used to Mum nagging everytime she walked passed my room, & it'll juz gets worse when she stepped in... hahaha... But one amazing thg abt me is that no matter how messy my room is, i'll still managed to find what i need anytime... But then my nightmare will start when Mum starts clearing her leaves at the end of each yr & start clearing, throwing & stuffing all my thgs at diff places... (-_-")
Actually hoh, i tink tis kinda habit is inherited de loh... Cos Dad & Bro are oso v.messy de loh... so cannot blame me mah... We used to be the majority when Dad's around... Now, the true meaning of Bro & my existence in the family is to help BALANCE our "environment"... Juz like when there's a North Pole, u need a South Pole to stay balanced... LoLx!
Oh well, thgs are no diff now even when i'm wrkg... everytime i finished a design, i'm supposed to filed all emails, checklists, approval forms, etc... but in the end, i'll get a huge pile of unsorted documents on my desk... Hmm, tink i really no hope liao... hahaha =P so having audit is juz like a force for me to kick start & get all the documentation in place...
okay, enough of my unseen side... my main purpose to blog today is to update my X'mas Wishlist for the F4 gift exchange... Al'tot its a little late ald as we'll be meeting this coming Sun, BUT i tink all the rest are still having difficulties on wat to buy... tot i've ald got mine as simple as it can get le... really gotta tell them the exact thg & where to buy meh?! might as well give me the $ i buy myself... if not, buy liao then claim from them lah... better riteee?!
1. Perfume
here's a few to choose from:

Romance from Ralph Lauren

Polo Sports from Ralph Lauren

Les Belles De Ricci from Nina Ricci
2. Eyeshadow palette

No need so many colors de...
if got both yellow & purple will be nice...
Ok... Hope tis helps eh... ask them "ji you fa hui" oso so difficult... haiyo......
Helping Xin post the shop name of the evening bag she mentioned on her Wishlist... It's call Princesa... located at Far East 2nd or 3rd floor... So gd luck gers...
3:58 PM
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* Sunday, December 11, 2005 *
~dEaR mRs sAnTa...~
Yesterday was the deadline to come out with the Wishlist for my X'mas gift exchange with the F4... but i've yet to come out with anythg... As i've mentioned b4, each of us has to come out with a Wishlist... So when i haven't had mine on, i get ppl wanting to meet me out go shopping, tracking & sms questioning, "where's ur WISHLIST eh?!"
Read Esther's & Elaine's blog on the Wishlist tt they've come out with... i really laugh till peng onto the floor... Both of them really one of a kind... the items that they come out with were either out of our budget or out of reached... From Webcam, Burberry bag, Nokia Handphone,
to even tis ==> 
Esther mentioned tis on her blog, "No matter how busy i am... i die die must come up with this wish list... just in case those 2 girls with weird taste buy me weird things..." the 2 girls are refering to me & Xin lah... but please loh, not we got weird tastes... is unique loh... R'ber when i brought them batik-print wrap-around each from BKK, they actually asked izzit cos i don't like so give it to me... cos they happen to like it alot... So they come to a conclusion tt nx time juz buy somethg tt i tink not nice can le... This gers really drives me crazy at times maaan...
So in order to irritate them as much as they've irritate me......
Dear Mrs Santa, pls find attached for my Wishlist......
1. A Unit in Caribbean

2. Suzuki Swift (Lavendar)

3. Sony LCD

4. Tiffany & Co. Bangle
Phew...... Really had a hard time maaan... But i've finally got tis up... XiE XiE whoever you are... *wink wink*
keke =P all the above are juz some of the thgs i really wish i can get wor...
but well, it's definately not within our budget mahhhh, so u ppl go ahead & DREAM ON on the thgs u gals have on blog...
Now serious serious lah, i can only tink of tis now...
1. Josh Groban - Live At The Greek DVD

2. Sash Belt - Single Color will do

3. Chain Belt - Simple & Elegant

if cannot find, then u all juz "ji you fa hui" kz... No matter wat, it's the thoughts tt counts mah, riteeeee......
4:22 PM
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~wO De MiNG HaO Ku eH!!!~
tt Boss Ray hoh, really v."steady" leh... Thurs hoh, juz treat me for dinner hoh, then hoh, today Sunday hoh, still ask me go back wrk OT lehhhh... (-_-") WiN aLd lOh...... "tian xia" really no "bai chi de wan chan"...
12:28 AM
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* Friday, December 09, 2005 *
Boss Ray treats me & another Engineer, Ling to dinner yesterday... to compensate us on having to wrk OT without getting OT pay... hiaks... pathetic maaan... now got new COO, reach wrk must be "zhun zhun" 8am but go home cannot "zhun zhun" 5.25pm... must share tasks with Engineers but pay still take Associate Engineer pay... then wrk OT still no OT pay... where can like tt?! must go MOM complain sia...... LOLx =P
the best part is i'm bonded to the company loh... cos i'm half sponsered for my degree course in NUS... but like tt means u all can bully me mehhh... sob sob... *stop acting* actually i'm juz being a little bit bit exaggerating... not say wat i say is not true lah... but my managers are v.good to me de... at least when i make mistakes, i don't get screwed upside-down...
ok coming back to my free dinner... Ling & me were given 3choices, Brazillian buffet at Sixth Ave, Japanese buffet at suntec & the last one i forgot liao... Al'tot my fav would be Jap food but i was fine with all cos anyway, it's free wat riteee... *bleah* So Ling chose Brazillian buffet & *snap snap* it's Brazil Churrascaria we go... located at Sixth Avenue... & it's recommended to make ur reservation... by 8pm on a wkday, even the non aircon seats outside are occupied...
It's a place u must definately go if u are a meat-lover... Even me, who's fav are only chicken & fish ate so much last nite... Tink it's the 1st time in my life tt i ate so much meat in a single meal, especially Beef... i seldom eat Beef cos medium is too raw but well-done is too hard for me... Lolx! & diff places have their Beef done differently... So normally i'll skip tt & ordered the usual Chicken Chop or Fish N' Chips instead... keke =P
There are so much to try that i only had one serving of Salad... But the Salad Bar oso have lots of variety to choose from... Churrascaria is Portuguese for barbecue... All the meat are marinated in special recipes and cooked over a griller... There are like 12 diff cuts of meat; Chicken, Fish, Pork, Beef, even Duck & Lamb... For the beef cuts, i had beef hump, beef topside, garlic T-bone, etc... For pork, the best was their pork sausage... Even the salmon with lemon is nicely grilled... But i passed on the little barbecued chicken hearts, which we were told tt were nice and crunchy... haha =P
A friendly Passador (meat waiter) will come to ur table with a large skewer of one type of meat and starts slicing pieces onto ur plate with a sharp knife... While u're finishing it, another skewer will appear at ur table with another type of meat... This continues for the rest of the night until ur stomach surrenders and refuses to eat anymore... I tell myself i'll definately go back to the restaurant again... Oh, i haven't mentioned abt the price yet hoh, 3 of us ate ard $150 lah... so per pax is $50 loh... but it's definately worth the money... You can try going on ur birthday & they'll even sing u Happy Birthday in Brazil... pretty coooool neh...
1:16 PM
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* Thursday, December 08, 2005 *
~Tt'S wHaT HaPPeNs wHeN YoU'vE NoThiNG bETTeR tO dO...~

11:21 PM
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~SoMeThiNG tO pOnDeR......~
Recieved my 1st X'mas card yesterday... really brighten my horrible, terrible, pathetic day a little... Thanks Sheila... it really has been awhile since we last meet... then, she was like 6-7mths pregnant... & now, her daughter is ald 16mths old & she's again 3mths pregnant... Time is really too fast to catch up with... it juz goes on & on without u even realizing it... r'ber we were still happily enjoying our poly days then but now she's gonna be a mother of two... every one leads a different life & have different wants but wat's important is to treasure wat u ald have so as not to regret in the future... but there are ppl out there who doesn't knw how to appreciate...
like some guys, no matter how capable their gfs are, not materialistic, able to go thro' thicks & thins with them, they'll not appreciated but drown themselves into temptations & wishfully hope for someone who possess a "tian shi lian kong with mo gui sheng cai" (heavenly pretty with hourglass figure) dream girl, as to help in boasting their ego... in mathematical term, the equation to ease a guy's ego simply needa satisfy the following: Breasts > Brain... a friend once "enlightened" me tt guys preferred blur queen so it's gd to make urself look stoopid in front of them... *hmm, sounds familiar... Oh Well, Good Job, Sis... lolx!*
for some gals, no matter how hardworking their bfs are, how thoughtful & sweet, will compromise on everythg u raise out, will get watever u wished for, yet they'll juz take everythg for granted... Wishfully hope Mr. "jin gui" (Golden Tortoise) prince charming who possess the famous 5Cs (Cash, Credit Card, Car, Club, Condominium) could promote them to the "tai tai" status, enjoying hi-tea & non-expiry SPA membership...
Well, as for someone as old-fashioned like me, all i juz need is someone who can give me a sense of security, love me wholeheartedly & able to work towards the same goals in life... i'm someone who believes tt, "Action Speaks Louder Than Words"... if u really care or love someone, u can put aside ur pride & show how much u are willing to compromise & able to achieve... But if thgs doesn't work out as wat u wish for, then juz learn your lesson the hard way thro' like us, the typical Capricorn... tt's how i picked myself up from my failed r'ship...
~Love & Marriage~
A student asks a teacher, "What is love?"
The teacher said, "in order to answer your question, go to the padi field,
choose the biggest padi and come back.
But the rule is: you can go throught them only once and cannot turn back to pick."
The student went to the field, go thru first row, he saw one big padi, but he wonders....
may be there is a bigger one later. Then he saw another bigger one... but may be there is an even bigger one waiting for him.
Later, when he finished more than half of the padi field, he start to realize that the padi is not as big as the previous one he saw, he know he has missed the biggest one, and he regretted !!!!
So, he ended up went back to the teacher with empty hand.
The teacher told him, "...this is love...
you keep looking for a better one, but when later you realise, you have already miss the person...."
"What is marriage then?" the student asked.
The teacher said, "in order to answer your question, go to the corn field,
choose the biggest corn and come back.
But the rule is: you can go throught them only once and cannot turn back to pick.
"The student went to the corn field, this time he is careful not to repeat the previous mistake,
when he reach the middle of the field, he has picked one medium corn that he feel satisfy, and come back to the teacher.
The teacher told him, "This time you bring back a corn....
you look for one that is just nice, and you have faith and believe this is the best one you get....
this is marriage...

Countdown 17days to Christmas, 24days to New Year, & 31days to my Birthday......
hmm... wondering how life's gonna be like for the days to come......
saw tis from one of the issue of i-weekly,

Nice isn't it... sweet yet presentable... so Meeee.... was still hoping to recieve tis as X'mas or Birthday present from "someone"... not cheap though... Anyway, tink not anymore... probably i'll juz start saving a dollar everyday from now on, & buy it for myself on my following birthday... not used to buy myself expensive gifts... i actually mend 3pairs of sandals for $24 juz tis wk when i can juz simply buy new ones during X'mas sales instead... Yes, i'm tt stingy & mean to myself... but i'm juz to myself okieee... ppl who knws me, shld knw tt i'm generous to my loved ones & ppl i'm closed to...
12:21 PM
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* Sunday, December 04, 2005 *
~SaNtA cLaUsE iS CoMiNG tO tOwN...~
Monday again... Time seems real fast when ya knw tt it's gonna be an exciting mth ahead... X'mas is round the corner & tt's the best reason u can give urself to do lotz & lotz of shopping... muahahaha =P
met the gers last wk for the pre-X'mas draw lots session, which is another must-do thg for us every yr... wasn't really expecting i drew HER tis time... but tink there won't be any difficulties getting somethg tt any of the gers want... Cos they suggested we each comes out with a Wishlist & post it on our personal blog... lolx! tt's somethg gd abt keeping a blog besides reading their complaints now & then... coming out with Wishlist is practical but like tt no surprises liao... Xin actually ald have in mind... she'll go check out the prices, model & color of tt item 1st... so gers, if ya are interested to knw wat's tt, go read her blog when she updates yeah... Esther actually suggested she takes a photo of it too... so we could have a better idea of it... keke
i actually can't tink of anythg yet... tink i'm gonna get cursed by the Witch...... Oopssss... i mean Angel, who've chosen me tis year... But hey, i like surprises wor... So Angel out there, USE UR BRAIN, USE UR BRAIN!!! hahaha =P
Organising a PotLuck with the NUS mates on the actual Christmas Day... & me, as the all-time-fav & ppl-give-me-face Organiser of my gang has "kiasu"ly sent out the invitation email to all as to inform them tt they're already booked by me on X'mas Day...
Same as last year, the theme color remains RED... Gotta even attached photos to make sure they recognized wat is call RED... (-_-")
<== Shijing demonstrates the correct "RED" we see...
they actually come in orange, maroon or whatsoever & try tokg us into seeing it as "RED" last year!!!
*Beep beep!!! Yellow Card!!!*
obviously tis is Maroon, Brother! ==>
<== still acceptable
<== Boys & Girls, Repeat after me, ORANGE!!!
Currently, the foods that are already taken up:
1) Har Har - Fried Bee Hoon
2) Summer - Jelly
3) Liting - Nuggets
4) Eric - Curry Chicken
5) Joos - Log Cake
Some has yet to confirm wat they'll be bringing...
We oso have a $10 gift-exchange...
<== A good demonstration from Mel to Eric last year... A MiLkBottle!!!
It's all meant to be... Cos it's juz the rite thg for the rite person... kakakaka =P
Tink it's gonna be more fun tis year round as more ppl can make it to the PotLuck neh... Yeah!!!
4:54 PM
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