Again me long long no blog sia... have been so held up at work & for my exam maan... back at work several times when i was supposed to be on leave... was even workg on Labour Day & having my last paper on the nx day, which result that i only sleep 3hrs before my exam... then was supposed to go for lunch & enjoy after my last paper with my classmates but was again called back to wrk till 8pm & the worst is i've not yet packed for my trip & my flight is 6.45am the next morning... still had to rush to the money changer & do some last min shopping at causeway pt after clearing my wrk... bought my latest fav Mac Wings home for dinner... & by the time i'm home it's ard 10pm & i was ald dead tired... started packing only at 11plus... slept at 3plus & was supposed to wake up at 4.30am... but i overslept & DaR only called me at 5.30am... i was so rushed that i have no time to apply anythg on my face & i looked so horrible with dark eye rings, etc... lucky morning flight not much ppl... nearly missed the time for checking in... reached at 6.15am sharp before the the check-in counter close half an hr before the departure time... not forgetting to mention that we took TigerAirways as it's the only direct flight from Singapore to Krabi... so it's the 1st time we at the budget terminal... it's actually really not as bad as i've thought wor... keke =P juz that it's not as big as Terminal One & Two so there aren't many DFS shops tt's all... Anyway, i was late so no time to shop oso lah...
Stairs up to board & up close seeing the TIGER on the plane... keke =P
The flight was free seating & it's not even half, or was it only one-third full... that simply answer my Qn why there were only one flight to & fro everyday to Krabi... to my surprise, TigerAirway is actually more stable than JetstarAsia that we took last yr to Bangkok... beside the leather seats & prettier air-stewardess JetstarAsia have, TigerAirways will be a better choice... since the flight was not fully occupied, we get to sit wherever we want... so we grab a window seats where we can take videos of the takeoff & landing, oso pics from up above...
juz a wk back b4 our trip, DaR bought his 1st SLR camera... after months of consideration & comparison, he finally settled for Nikon D50... at 1st i only tot we were juz getting the camera alone, but he bought a long distance lens that costs $400, a tripod at $125, an extra batt, a dry box for storage & etc which add up to nearly $2K... i almost fainted on the spot... but since he's happy & satisfied, i've got no say... Everythg is nice & i've grown to like the cam more when we managed to take some real nice pics during our trip, EXCEPT that the resolutions were so GOOD that you can zoom in SOooo much to see my pimples very clearly... (-_-")
reached Krabi airport at 8.30am Singapore time & it's only 7.30am Bangkok time, an hr behind us... so we gotta wait an hr for the minivan from Krabi town to come fetch us to Koh Lanta... the journey was approx 2hrs... on the way, we came across 2 car ferries, where many vehicles can drive up the ferry & cross over to the other island w/o having the passengers to come out from their vehicles...
at Koh Lanta, we have our transfer to Baan Laanta Resort & SPA by the resort... we reached at 11am... Since now it's not peak period, we were allowed to check-in early... & thank goodness we got the Best View room among the 15 bungalows the resort have... the rest were either in the forest or the sea view were block by the restaurant... ours were clear sea view & its actually the one the resort took fotos for their websites & advertisements...
i was so damn tired after my lack of sleeps for the past few days that i jumped to bed immediately once we check-in... & DaR who was super enthu started tanning at the balcony... & 2hrs later when i woke up from my nap, he was ald "chao da" (burned)... haha =P i kinda regret i didn't have some tan then, cos for the rest of the days it have been raining... We went for lunch at the open-air restaurant juz below our room, where we each ordered a plate of fried rice... & the fried rice was amazingly delicious al'tot it looks very common... & since then, we had fried rice almost every meal during our stay there... that's y now i've put on so much weight that i think i've to go on a diet for a few wks...
Da Chang Jin was so famous that even Koh Lanta, the small island were showing it in Thai version with Chinese subtitle... keke =P One thing, we didn't noticed when we were in Bangkok last yr was that most of their Thai actors/actresses/singers/models were actually very good-looking... & their advertisement were very creative, funny & entertaining... i actually enjoyed watching their advertisements more than their programmes... DaR finds me kinda silly... haha =P
as i was happily watching the advertisements after my bath & DaR trying to take pics of the scenery at our balcony... The sky turned dark & thunder, lighting strikes... not long after that, there was a Blackout over the whole island... yes, not exaggerating loh... it's really Blackout over the WHOLE ISLAND!!! except for those 5stars resorts that have backup generator, everywhere else is pitch black... we tot the power will come on after sometime... & since we got nothing much to do, we fell asleep @ 7pm...
we tot we could like sleep till the next morning for our snorkeling trip but too bad we woke up at 9pm & feeling hungry... al'tot the rain has stopped but the power was not back on... lucky for us that our restaurant's chef can actually cook in the dark... so we head down to the restaurant with the candles provided for dinner... a REAL candle-lite dinner sia...
very the "LOMANTIC" sia riteee... LoLx!
after which, we went back to our room & tried to get back to sleep again as we have booked a Snorkeling trip at 9am the next morning... in the middle of the nite i felt so hot & stuffy that i woke up & start cursing & swearing... thank goodness, no long after the power came back in the middle of the nite...
Day 2: Snorkeling trip to 4 nearby Islands at 9am in morning... had a rushed breakfast & set off... we taking a long tail boat as it's much cheaper compared to speedboat al'tot the time taken to the destination can be twice faster... the weather was still bright & sunny when we set out to the 1st island... i can't really swim or stay afloat very well... so i need to wear the life jacket to make myself feel more secure... the water is real clean & clear... the water was 2-3m deep but u can still see the corals below very clearly from the surface...
The 1st 3 islands were without beaches... Koh Ngai, the 4th & last island where we stopped for lunch had such beautiful beach that DaR can't wait to finish his lunch & start snapping lotsa fotos...
Koh Ngai... Wallpaper kinda scenery fotos sia...
Not long after finishing our lunch, the sky was getting dark & we had to head back to our island. That was like the longest ever journey in my life... It was like taking forever to reach our island...
These videos were taken before the moment that the sky was so dark, & it's raining so heavily that we couldn't even see any nearby islands in front of us... The wind blowing so strongly, & the waves were hitting on our boat so hard that i tot we were going to capsize anytime... It was so cold & i was damn scared loh... Where got mood to take more videos u tell me lah... There was even a time that even the few English with us tried to grab hold of a life jacket each... I tot i'm so gonna die... tots like, "wat if i fall into the sea? i can't swim well wor, somemore the water must be so cold..." =( I don't even knw how long after that we finally see the pier far ahead that we board this long tail boat... i feel SO much relieved... & since back then, i appreciate our room alot more... Doesn't matter if it blackout again or watever, at least i feel much safer... keke =P
Back at our Resort was almost sunset & we managed to take some real nice fotos of the sunset views from our bedside windows...
Day 3: We decided to tour around the island & check out the different beaches & resorts... We rent a Suzuki Carribean at 700Baht that could drive along some of the dirt road... We were supposed to put petrol ourselves & due to miscommunication, we end up paying another 500Baht to fill it up half tank which we are sure it's gonna last for a few days that'll benefit the next one or even the one after next who rent this same car...
Not long after we set off to our 1st destination, we met with an accident... When we were abt to turn left into one of the pathway to the beach, a motorist came knocked into us & fell... It wasn't a very serious hit as we were driving very slowly cos we aren't familiar with our way... she was the one riding very fast & knocked into us when we were ald half-turned... She claimed that she tot we were going straight, therefore didn't hesitate to slow down or keep to our right... Not long after, 2 policeman arrived at the scene... Lucky one can speak quite fluent English... Then after much explaination & argument, the police told us that we could either pay a compensation & close the case without any records or filed a report & wait for further notice... So they called for the mechanic to examine the motorbike... The bike could still startup & the engine everythg was working well... But guess wat, we were told that the compensation for the bike itself will be 1600Baht & we have to pay her 3000Baht for her bike & injury...
I was damn angry!!! it wasn't our fault totally in the 1st place, & she shld bear some responsibilities herself... We could have at least split the cost... I'm definately not going to pay 3000Baht for it i told myself... I told the police i'll rather make a police report if that's the amt we have to fork out... Since we were tourists & leaving the island soon, the police advised we pay a compensation & furthermore we are at disadvantage as we can't speak Thai & explain the actual situation when filing the report... DaR agreed & tot we shld try to settle on the spot... Then i say, "Fine! but the most i pay will be 2000Baht!" But DaR told them 2500Baht... (-_-") of cos they happily accept it lah! ARGHHHHHhhh... the tot of it now still makes my blood boils... 2500Baht is equaivalent to approx 112SGD okieee... imagine how many pairs of Charles & Keith shoes i can buy with, how many meals i can eat with, & how many taxi trips i can take with!!! ARGHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......
Anyway, wat happens ald happened... & we shldn't let somethg like that to affect our moods... So we skipped the 1st "suay" beach entrance & proceed to the next one, where i picked seashells & DaR busy snapping lotsa fotos...
Day 4: To avoid more "SURPRISES", we decided to "nuah" in our resorts for the whole day... LoLx! We juz did nothing, lazed ard, watch tv, take naps, admiring our view of the beach from our bedside... Juz rest & relax on the last day at Koh Lanta...
Sunshine Babes can be seen juz at ur bedside windows... What more can a guy ask for?! LoLx!
We were invited to a Birthday Party at an open-air drinking pub in the evening... At dinner, it started to rain very heavily again... i'm kinda having phobia that it'll blackout anytime again... But thank goodness it didn't... We tot it will dampen the mood of the party but still, alot ppl turned up... It was fun...
They even have their own fireworks sia... & since it's our final nite at Koh Lanta, we drank till 2am then headed back to sleep...
Day5: As i've mentioned above, TigerAirways only have one flight to & fro Krabi everyday. But our return flight was too early that we couldn't go to the Krabi airport straight from Koh Lanta Island even we take the earliest transfer from our Resort... Therefore, we need to stay a Night at Krabi Town in order to catch the early flight @ 8.10am... We were introduced to Hotel Lomo by a travel agency in Krabi Town, which is only half an hr from the Airport & oso walking distance to the Krabi Night Market where we can spend our last night there... At the Night Market, we had this very delicious Yam/Kaya mini Pancakes & their Local "zi cha" which are damn cheap... Then after dinner, DaR was having a headache so we had to proceed back to the hotel instead of doing some last min shopping at Krabi Town... Back at the Hotel, he took 2 panadols & went to bed very early... i watched TV by the bed till 11plus then knockout...
Day 6: Woke up at 5.30am to get ourselves ready to the airport... We had booked a taxi & paid 400Baht in advance at the travel agency the day before to pick us up @ 6.30am from Hotel Lomo to Krabi Airport... But as "happening" as we were during this trip, the taxi couldn't be seen anywhere even till 7am... So we had no choice but to engage another taxi-driver to drive us to the Airport & pay another 400Baht... (-_-") kua kua kua... Lucky we still have got enough cash on hand for the airport tax... If not, really jialat ald... At the airport, there were a group of travellers who actually forgot to put aside some $$$ for the airport tax & the best part was, there aren't any ATMs in the airport itself...
Finally on board flying back to Singapore...
DaR managed to take this real cool pic with rainbow...
1:26 PM
* * * * * * * * * *
* Welcome *
* TheOnlyMe *
Name# Summer Age# 27 DOB# 08 Jan 1981 Personality# ~TaLkAtIvE~FRiEnDLY~pLaYfUL~ChEeRfUL~TemPeRmEnTaL~