Hello ppl, still r'ber me?! keke =P haven't been updating blog for like almost 3months sia... was juz trying to coop with my new job scope... my boss was kind enough to let me work on one of our in-house new product as my FYP... so now i'm busy picking up the new stuffs at work & trying to read up journals to start working on my project...
Last Sat we celebrated Joo's Birthday & also get a chance to watch the fireworks by the Italy Team... We had dinner at Marina Square, Lerk Thai Restaurant which the food was surprisingly good & the price was reasonable...
Joos, the birthday boy with Eric trying to steal the limelight... LoLx!
while waiting for the fireworks... see the crowd behind us...
New semester started on Tues... not many choices of modules this sem... so most of us ended up taking the same elective modules... was still kinda disappointed that i can't watch the fireworks by the Singapore team that day, but since it's only the 1st lesson, the lecturer actually let us off super early... Class ended at 7pm, so we rushed down to Marina to meet DaR to watch it...
found a spot that we can have a clear view... nice nice...
DaR & me attended NDP on Wed... somethg tt really worth mentioning is that tis is our 3rd time going to NDP together since we've been dating... ppl may tink it's so crazy having to squeeze & sweat under the hot sun, but we juz simply LURRRVE the atmosphere, the screaming, the fireworks, etc abt NDP... we were glad to attend tis year's parade as tis is the last yr NDP will be held at the national stadium & tt's probably why there were plenty of fireworks compared to the past years... DaR was still "suan"ing me for the past 2 yrs i either forgot my extra batt for the camera or binoculars to the parade... so tis yr, i've got my list double double check, even setting alarm on my fone as reminder... Camera, checked... extra batt, checked... binoculars, checked... Tickets, checked... etc...
BUUUUUUUT...... Guess wat?! i tink i'm cursed... cos i actually forgetten to slot in the SD card for the camera despite checking all my barang barang... ARGH... *bang my head against the wall* hiaks... yes, not only DaR, i'm oso very disappointed with myself... so al'tot we've got very good seats at the stadium, i didn't managed to take clear, good videos with the 5.0M.P camera but only with DaR 2M.P camera fone... hiaks... better than nothing loh...
pics taken either by fone cam or the pathetic in-built camera memory...
DaR managed to capture some real good shots at the parade...
today DaR went JB for D&D and won a DVD player at the lucky draw... He was still tinking of getting one after he bought his 32" Samsung Plasma TV for his living room... i was still telling him that day maybe he'll get a DVD player during the lucky draw at D&D... he was still wondering if there'll be any DVD players as one of the lucky draws prizes... but i say electrical appliances is the most common for lucky draw prizes at D&D... so wat i say really came true wor... welll, let me see now wat i want next... how abt striking the 5.5Millions ToTo tis coming Monday... only me as the sole winner... OOOoooooooo... LoLx!!!
4:55 AM
* * * * * * * * * *
* Welcome *
* TheOnlyMe *
Name# Summer Age# 27 DOB# 08 Jan 1981 Personality# ~TaLkAtIvE~FRiEnDLY~pLaYfUL~ChEeRfUL~TemPeRmEnTaL~